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Previous Sittings
Previous Sittings

Journals of the Senate

66 Elizabeth II , A.D. 2017, Canada

1st Session, 42nd Parliament

Issue 155 (Revised)

Thursday, November 2, 2017
1:30 p.m.

The Honourable GEORGE J. FUREY, Speaker

The Members convened were:

The Honourable Senators

AndreychukBattersBellemareBernardBlack (Alberta)BoisvenuBonifaceBoveyBrazeauCampbellCarignanCoolsCormierDagenaisDayDeanDowneDoyleDupuisDyckEnvergaForestFraserFrumFureyGagnéGalvezGoldGreeneGriffinHarderHartlingHousakosJafferJoyalKennyLankinLovelace NicholasMacDonaldMaltaisManningMarshallMartinMarwahMassicotteMcCoyMcInnisMcIntyreMégieMercerMitchellMoncionMunsonNgoOgilvieOhOmidvarPatePattersonPetitclercPlettPoirierPratteRaineRichardsRinguetteSaint-GermainSeidmanSinclairSmithStewart OlsenTannasTardifTkachukUngerVernerWallinWattWellsWetstonWhiteWoo

The Members in attendance to business were:

The Honourable Senators

Andreychuk*AtaullahjanBattersBellemareBernardBlack (Alberta)BoisvenuBonifaceBoveyBrazeauCampbellCarignanCoolsCormierDagenaisDayDeanDowneDoyleDupuisDyckEnvergaForestFraserFrumFureyGagnéGalvezGoldGreeneGriffinHarderHartlingHousakosJafferJoyalKennyLankinLovelace NicholasMacDonaldMaltaisManningMarshallMartinMarwahMassicotteMcCoyMcInnisMcIntyre*McPhedranMégieMercerMitchellMoncionMunsonNgoOgilvieOhOmidvarPatePattersonPetitclercPlettPoirierPratteRaineRichardsRinguetteSaint-GermainSeidmanSinclairSmithStewart OlsenTannasTardifTkachukUngerVernerWallinWattWellsWetstonWhiteWoo

The first list records senators present in the Senate Chamber during the course of the sitting.

An asterisk in the second list indicates a senator who, while not present during the sitting, was in attendance to business, as defined in subsections 8(2) and (3) of the Senators Attendance Policy.


Senators’ Statements


Tribute was paid to the Honourable Senator Ogilvie, who will retire from the Senate on November 6, 2017.


Tabling of Documents

The Honourable Senator Harder, P.C., tabled the following:

Government response, dated November 1, 2017, to the fifth report of the Standing Senate Committee on Human Rights, entitled Finding Refuge in Canada: A Syrian Resettlement Story, tabled in the Senate on December 6, 2016.—Sessional Paper No. 1/42-1680S.

(Pursuant to rule 12-24(4), the report and the response were deemed referred to the Standing Senate Committee on Human Rights.)

Question Period

The Senate proceeded to Question Period.

Orders of the Day

Government Business

Bills – Messages from the House of Commons

Order No. 1 was called and postponed until the next sitting.

Bills – Second Reading

Orders No. 1 to 4 were called and postponed until the next sitting.


Orders No. 1, 131 and 132 were called and postponed until the next sitting.

o o o

The Honourable Senator Bellemare moved, seconded by the Honourable Senator Petitclerc:

That, in order to allow the Senate to receive a Minister of the Crown during Question Period as authorized by the Senate on December 10, 2015, and notwithstanding rule 4-7, when the Senate sits on Tuesday, November 7, 2017, Question Period shall begin at 3:30 p.m., with any proceedings then before the Senate being interrupted until the end of Question Period, which shall last a maximum of 40 minutes;

That, if a standing vote would conflict with the holding of Question Period at 3:30 p.m. on that day, the vote be postponed until immediately after the conclusion of Question Period;

That, if the bells are ringing for a vote at 3:30 p.m. on that day, they be interrupted for Question Period at that time, and resume thereafter for the balance of any time remaining; and

That, if the Senate concludes its business before 3:30 p.m. on that day, the sitting be suspended until that time for the purpose of holding Question Period.

The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.

o o o

The Honourable Senator Bellemare moved, seconded by the Honourable Senator Harder, P.C.:

That, when the Senate next adjourns after the adoption of this motion, it do stand adjourned until Tuesday, November 7, 2017, at 2 p.m.

The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.


Order No. 2 was called and postponed until the next sitting.

Other Business

Senate Public Bills – Third Reading

Orders No. 1 to 4 were called and postponed until the next sitting.

Commons Public Bills – Third Reading

Orders No. 1 and 2 were called and postponed until the next sitting.

Senate Public Bills – Reports of Committees

Orders No. 1 and 2 were called and postponed until the next sitting.

Senate Public Bills – Second Reading

Orders No. 1 to 4 were called and postponed until the next sitting.

o o o

Resuming debate on the motion of the Honourable Senator Frum, seconded by the Honourable Senator Housakos, for the second reading of Bill S-239, An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act (eliminating foreign funding).

After debate,

The Honourable Senator Woo moved, seconded by the Honourable Senator Petitclerc, that further debate on the motion be adjourned until the next sitting.

The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.

o o o

Order No. 6 was called and postponed until the next sitting.

Commons Public Bills – Second Reading

Orders No. 1 to 5 were called and postponed until the next sitting.

Reports of Committees – Other

Orders No. 1 and 5 to 8 were called and postponed until the next sitting.

o o o

Resuming debate on the motion of the Honourable Senator MacDonald, seconded by the Honourable Senator Patterson:

That the sixth report of the Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications, entitled Pipelines for Oil: Protecting our Economy, Respecting our Environment, deposited with the Clerk of the Senate on December 7, 2016 be adopted and that, pursuant to rule 12-24(1), the Senate request a complete and detailed response from the government, with the Minister of Natural Resources being identified as minister responsible for responding to the report, in consultation with the Ministers of Transport and Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard.

The Honourable Senator Day moved, seconded by the Honourable Senator Mercer, that further debate on the motion be adjourned until the next sitting.

The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.

o o o

Orders No. 15, 29, 33 and 50 to 52 were called and postponed until the next sitting.

o o o

The order was called for resuming debate on the motion of the Honourable Senator Dawson, seconded by the Honourable Senator Eggleton, P.C., for the adoption of the eighth report of the Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications (Budget—study on the regulatory and technical issues related to the deployment of connected and automated vehicles—power to hire staff and to travel), presented in the Senate on October 31, 2017.

The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.

o o o

Orders No. 61 and 62 were called and postponed until the next sitting.


Orders No. 31, 73, 89, 92, 139, 146 and 158 were called and postponed until the next sitting.

o o o

Resuming debate on the motion of the Honourable Senator Enverga, seconded by the Honourable Senator Runciman:

That the Rules of the Senate be amended by replacing rule 4 by the following:

“Prayers and National Anthem

4-1.(1) The Speaker shall proceed to Prayers as soon as a quorum is seen, and, on a Tuesday, shall then call upon a Senator or guests to lead in singing the bilingual version of O Canada.

Guest singers

4-1.(2) The Speaker may invite guests to enter the galleries to lead in singing the National Anthem.”

The Honourable Senator Martin moved, seconded by the Honourable Senator Raine, that further debate on the motion be adjourned until the next sitting.

The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.

o o o

Order No. 189 was called and postponed until the next sitting.

o o o

Resuming debate on the motion of the Honourable Senator Mercer, seconded by the Honourable Senator Fraser:

That a Special Committee on the Charitable Sector be appointed to examine the impact of federal and provincial laws and policies governing charities, nonprofit organizations, foundations, and other similar groups; and to examine the impact of the voluntary sector in Canada;

That the committee be composed of eight members, to be nominated by the Committee of Selection, and that four members constitute a quorum;

That the committee have the power to send for persons, papers and records; to examine witnesses; and to publish such papers and evidence from day to day as may be ordered by the committee;

That, notwithstanding rule 12-18(2)(b)(i), the committee have the power to sit from Monday to Friday, even though the Senate may then be adjourned for a period exceeding one week; and

That the committee be empowered to report from time to time and to submit its final report no later than September 28, 2018, and retain all powers necessary to publicize its findings until 60 days after the tabling of the final report.

The Honourable Senator Martin moved, seconded by the Honourable Senator Wells, that further debate on the motion be adjourned until the next sitting.

The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.

o o o

Orders No. 215 and 245 were called and postponed until the next sitting.


Orders No. 8, 11 to 14, 19 and 20, and 23 and 24 were called and postponed until the next sitting.

o o o

Resuming debate on the inquiry of the Honourable Senator Maltais, calling the attention of the Senate to the softwood lumber crisis.

The Honourable Senator Plett moved, seconded by the Honourable Senator Wells, that further debate on the inquiry be adjourned until the next sitting.

The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.

o o o

Order No. 26 was called and postponed until the next sitting.

o o o

Resuming debate on the inquiry of the Honourable Senator Bovey, calling the attention of the Senate to the crisis in Churchill, Manitoba.

After debate,

The Honourable Senator Mercer moved, seconded by the Honourable Senator Day, that further debate on the inquiry be adjourned until the next sitting.

The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.


A message was brought from the House of Commons with Bill C-49, An Act to amend the Canada Transportation Act and other Acts respecting transportation and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts, to which it desires the concurrence of the Senate.

The bill was read the first time.

The Honourable Senator Bellemare moved, seconded by the Honourable Senator Petitclerc, that the bill be placed on the Orders of the Day for a second reading two days hence.

The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.


Resuming debate on the inquiry of the Honourable Senator Munson, calling the attention of the Senate to the 10th anniversary of its groundbreaking report Pay Now or Pay Later: Autism Families in Crisis.

After debate,

The Honourable Senator Martin moved, seconded by the Honourable Senator Smith, that further debate on the inquiry be adjourned until the next sitting.

The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.


The Honourable Senator Tardif moved, seconded by the Honourable Senator Joyal, P.C.:

That the Standing Senate Committee on Official Languages have the power to sit at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 8, 2017, even though the Senate may then be sitting, and that rule 12-18(1) be suspended in relation thereto.

The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.


The Honourable Senator Bellemare moved, seconded by the Honourable Senator Petitclerc:

That the Senate do now adjourn.

The question being put on the motion, it was adopted.

(Accordingly, at 4:01 p.m., the Senate was continued until Tuesday, November 7, 2017, at 2 p.m.)


Report on the Operation of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act for the year 2017, pursuant to the Act, S.C. 2001, c. 27, sbs. 94(1).—Sessional Paper No. 1/42-1677.

Summaries of the Corporate Plan and Operating and Capital Budgets for 2017-18 to 2021-22 of the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21, pursuant to the Financial Administration Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. F-11, sbs. 125(4).—Sessional Paper No. 1/42-1678.

Summaries of the Corporate Plan for 2017-18 to 2021-22 and of the Operating and Capital Budgets for 2017-18 of the Canadian Museum of Nature, pursuant to the Financial Administration Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. F-11, sbs. 125(4).—Sessional Paper No. 1/42-1679.

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